英语笑话 | 正确时也让步的人是结过婚的人
“Married!” said a meek voice in the crowd.
“Married!” said a meek voice in the crowd.
A speaker was giving a speech on the difference between man and woman. He said, “Man is like the thumb, and woman is like the little finger…”
The pedestrian called out, “Where are you now?” He meant to ask his friend’s address.
A: Mr. Brown died yesterday, are you going to attend his funeral?
“Dear me, how could a woman be so ugly?”
“But, madam, let me…” began the man.
The following Sunday he began by looking around the people in the church and asking which of them had read the seventeenth chapter of St. Mark.
下一个礼拜天,一开始他就环顾教堂里所有的信徒,问他们中间哪些人读了《马可福音》第17 章。
Mother: Well, son, what’s your place on the school-list this month?
He ran quickly to the house shouting, “Granny, come quick! One of you chickens is in bloom!”
The question was: When it thunders why do you see the lightning first, then hear the thunder rolls?
Andersen led a very simple life. He always wore the same old hat whenever he went out.
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