单词双拼 | seesaw 为何指跷跷板?
The emotional seesaw of her first love affair shattered her illusions about love.
The emotional seesaw of her first love affair shattered her illusions about love.
小站在单词双拼栏目中曾先后推送过 sideline 和 showdown 这两个单词,各取两词的前半部分 side + show 拼在一起,就构成了今天的 sideshow 一词。
I'm not aiming for a knockout. I focus on doing my best. If the knockout comes, fine. If not, that's okay.
Eschew the ordinary, disdain the commonplace.
There is a natural order to this world, and those who try to upend it do not fare well.
Or he moonlights as a cop.
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
The overstretched CEO
streamline administration and delegate power
Exploit every loophole and dodge every obstacle!
一眼看去不难发现该词是一个由熟词 gold (金)+ brick (砖)双拼而来的单词,字面意思也就是指“金砖”。
Stale → Stalemate
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