短篇小说 | Mark Twain: A Child's Biography
John Clemens, Samuel's father, was a farmer, merchant, and postmaster in a Missouri town, called Florida.
John Clemens, Samuel's father, was a farmer, merchant, and postmaster in a Missouri town, called Florida.
Concord, Massachusetts, is one of the New England towns that everybody likes to visit.
Could he write something original? He was not sure what idea he wished to express, but the thought that a poetic moment had touched him took life within him like an infant hope.
Olenka, the daughter of the retired collegiate assessor, Plemyanniakov, was sitting in her back porch, lost in thought.
A Call (1906) is Cooke's charming book about two boys, Abner and Ross, fortified with advice from Hints and Helps to Young Men in Social and Business Relations before calling on the two Claiborne sisters.
My kinsman and myself were returning to Calcutta from our Puja trip when we met the man in a train.
The Namesake was published in McClure's Magazine in 1907. "For the first time I felt the pull of race and blood and kindred, and felt beating within me things that had not begun with me. It was as if the earth under my feet had grasped and rooted me, and were pouring its essence into me."
Mademoiselle Fifi is the nicknamed for the handsome, yet boorish, and effeminate German captain, who gets his just deserts. The story was set during the Franco-Prussian War, published in 1882.
My father was, I am sure, intended by nature to be a cheerful, kindly man.
Your Majesty," spoke up the Baron, a ring of defiance in his voice, "I speak not for my comrades, but for myself. I begin no game that I fear to finish. We were about dice in order to discover whether Your Majesty should live or die.
In the text, "Pollux" refers to the brightest star in the constellation of Gemini.
It is now five years since an event occurred which so colored my life, or rather so changed some of its original colors, that I have thought it well to write an account of it, deeming that its lessons may be of advantage to persons whose situations in life are similar to my own.
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