Dog and pony show
A flashy presentation, often in a marketing context
Dog and pony show
A flashy presentation, often in a marketing context
MRS. RANSOM, when the front door had closed on her visitor, passed with a spring from the drawing-room to the narrow hall, and thence up the narrow stairs to her bedroom.
Helki 这个名字并没有特定的英文含义,它可能是一个独特的名字或者是一个在某些文化或语言中使用的名称。
find your feet
to adjust to a new place or situation
The studio faced north, looking out over a dismal reach of roofs and chimneys, and rusty fire-escapes hung with heterogeneous garments. A crust of dirty snow covered the level surfaces, and a December sky with more snow in it lowered over them.
Heli 是一个源自芬兰的女性用英文名字,它的意思是“太阳”。
assassin 指刺客,尤指出于政治目的而刺杀名人的刺客。它曾指 11、12世纪在波斯和叙利亚出没的一个秘密而狂热的宗教团体的成员。
Skeleton in the closet
An embarrassing or shameful secret
It was at Mrs. Mellish's, one Sunday afternoon last spring. We were talking over George Lillo's portraits--a collection of them was being shown at Durand-Ruel's--and a pretty woman had emphatically declared:--
Helga 的意思是“神圣的”或“受保护的”,寓意吉祥和平安。
管该词源自希腊语asparagos,但它后来衍变出了方言形式 sparrow-grass,就好像麻雀爱吃这种植物似的。
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