词源趣谈 | get out of bed on the wrong side 心绪不佳
get out of bed on the wrong side 形容某人心绪不佳或觉得诸事不顺。该表达源自“左凶右吉”这一迷信说法。
get out of bed on the wrong side 形容某人心绪不佳或觉得诸事不顺。该表达源自“左凶右吉”这一迷信说法。
Hearts and Hands was originally published under his pseudonym, Sidney Porter, in 1902. The story is full of twists and wordplay, as was O.Henry's own life.
“Because it’s there.”
Two friends -- one a fat man and the other a thin man -- met at the Nikolaevsky station.
Hyacinth 是一个英文名字,来源于希腊神话。在希腊神话中,Hyacinthus 是一位美丽的青年,他是太阳神阿波罗的好朋友。
sing 和 hum 这两个动词均含“唱”之意。
beat about the bush 指某人说话拐弯抹角、避重就轻。该词的起源与猎人有关。
In my dreams I found a little of the beauty I had vainly sought in life, and wandered through old gardens and enchanted woods.
It had been immensely frustrating watching from the sidelines.
Huyana 这个英文名字并没有特定的含义,因为它并不是一个常见的英文名字。
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