短篇小说 | A Little Free-Mulatto


Well, there is no question about it. The happiest little Free-Mulatto in all Louisiana is Aurélia, since her father has moved to “L’Isle des Mulâtres.”

短篇小说 | A Little Country Girl


Ninette was scouring the tin milk-pail with sand and lye-soap, and bringing it to a high polish. She used for that purpose the native scrub-brush, the fibrous root of the palmetto, which she called latanier.

短篇小说 | A Departmental Case


In Texas you may travel a thousand miles in a straight line. If your course is a crooked one, it is likely that both the distance and your rate of speed may be vastly increased.

短篇小说 | Diddling


SINCE the world began there have been two Jeremys. The one wrote a Jeremiad about usury, and was called Jeremy Bentham.

短篇小说 | A Comedy in Rubber


These devotees of curiosity swarm, like flies, in a moment in a struggling, breathless circle about the scene of an unusual occurrence.

短篇小说 | A Horse Story


“That’s true, Herminia,” replied Solistan with philosophic resignation, “but who knows! maybe it is all fo’ the best!”

短篇小说 | Bon-Bon


That Pierre Bon-Bon was a restaurateur of uncommon qualifications, the cul-de-sac Le Febvre at Rouen, will, I imagine, feel himself at liberty to dispute.

短篇小说 | A Chaparral Prince


Somewhere in the depths of the big city, where the unquiet dregs are forever being shaken together, young Murray and the Captain had met and become friends.