短篇小说 | Mystification


THE BARON RITZNER VON JUNG was a noble Hungarian family, every member of which (at least as far back into antiquity as any certain records extend) was more or less remarkable for talent of some description -- the majority for that species of grotesquerie in conception of which Tieck, a scion of the house, has given a vivid, although by no means the most vivid exemplifications.

短篇小说 | An Adjustment of Nature


In an art exhibition the other day I saw a painting that had been sold for $5,000. The painter was a young scrub out of the West named Kraft, who had a favourite food and a pet theory.

短篇小说 | Found in a Bottle


OF my country and of my family I have little to say. Ill usage and length of years have driven me from the one, and estranged me from the other.

短篇小说 | A Municipal Report


The cities are full of pride, Challenging each to each-- This from her mountainside, That from her burthened beach. R. KIPLING.