短篇小说 | Lilacs


Mme. Adrienne Farival never announced her coming; but the good nuns knew very well when to look for her.

短篇小说 | The Landscape Garden


No more remarkable man ever lived than my friend, the young Ellison. He was remarkable in the entire and continuous profusion of good gifts ever lavished upon him by fortune.

短篇小说 | By Courier


It was neither the season nor the hour when the Park had frequenters; and it is likely that the young lady, who was seated on one of the benches at the side of the walk, had merely obeyed a sudden impulse to sit for a while and enjoy a foretaste of coming Spring.

短篇小说 | Buried Treasure


There are many kinds of fools. Now, will everybody please sit still until they are called upon specifically to rise?

短篇小说 | Juanita


To all appearances and according to all accounts, Juanita is a character who does not reflect credit upon her family or her native town of Rock Springs.

短篇小说 | The Island of the Fay


"LA MUSIQUE," says Marmontel, in those "Contes Moraux" which in all our translations, we have insisted upon calling "Moral Tales," as if in mockery of their spirit -- "la musique est le seul des talents qui jouissent de lui-meme; tous les autres veulent des temoins."

短篇小说 | Brickdust Row


Blinker was displeased. A man of less culture and poise and wealth would have sworn. But Blinker always remembered that he was a gentleman--a thing that no gentleman should do.

短篇小说 | In Sabine


THE sight of a human habitation, even if it was a rude log cabin with a mud chimney at one end, was a very gratifying one to Grégoire.

短篇小说 | The Imp of the Perverse


In the consideration of the faculties and impulses -- of the prima mobilia of the human soul, the phrenologists have failed to make room for a propensity which, although obviously existing as a radical, primitive, irreducible sentiment, has been equally overlooked by all the moralists who have preceded them.

短篇小说 | Blind Man's Holiday


Alas for the man and for the artist with the shifting point of perspective! Life shall be a confusion of ways to the one; the landscape shall rise up and confound the other.