短篇小说 | Modern Rural Sports


Jeff Peters must be reminded. Whenever he is called upon, pointedly, for a story, he will maintain that his life has been as devoid of incident as the longest of Trollope's novels.

短篇小说 | Masters of Arts


A two-inch stub of a blue pencil was the wand with which Keogh performed the preliminary acts of his magic. So, with this he covered paper with diagrams and figures while he waited for the United States of America to send down to Coralio a successor to Atwood, resigned.

短篇小说 | Mammon and the Archer


Old Anthony Rockwall, retired manufacturer and proprietor of Rockwall's Eureka Soap, looked out the library window of his Fifth Avenue mansion and grinned.

短篇小说 | Makes the Whole World Kin


The burglar stepped inside the window quickly, and then he took his time. A burglar who respects his art always takes his time before taking anything else.

短篇小说 | Little Speck in Garnered Fruit


The honeymoon was at its full. There was a flat with the reddest of new carpets, tasselled portieres and six steins with pewter lids arranged on a ledge above the wainscoting of the dining-room.