阳光明媚的夏日总是能让人感到心情舒畅、充满活力。表达 “walking on sunshine 在阳光下漫步、脚踏阳光” 可以形容人非常高兴、喜悦的样子。注意,这个表达通常以进行时态出现在句中,即 “to be walking on sunshine” 来强调人兴高采烈的状态。
- After I got full marks in my test result, I was walking on sunshine!
我得知测试拿了满分之后,高兴得喜出望外。 - They’ve just got married and gone on holiday so they’re really walking on sunshine right now!
他们新婚燕尔,去度蜜月了,所以两个人正是特别开心的时候。 - You seem to be walking on sunshine. Do share!