两只鹿在打斗的时候,会顶住彼此头上的角,直到其中一方败下阵来,争斗才得以罢休。表达 “lock horns 锁住角” 指 “卷入激烈的冲突或争执中,没有一方愿意先妥协或认输”。
- My father and brother locked horns last night over whether my brother could use the car!
我爸爸和哥哥昨晚为哥哥能不能开这辆车的事争论不休。 - The company executives are locking horns over the direction the company should take next year.
这家公司的行政主管们为了公司明年的发展方向而争执不休。 - When I was younger, I always locked horns with my mother about eating spinach! I hated it, and she always insisted I finish it.