在烘焙时,给面糊里加适量的 “鸡蛋 eggs” 是烤出香浓美味甜品的一个小窍门。但如果面糊里加了太多个鸡蛋,烤出来甜品反而会变得不好吃。英式习语 “over-egg the pudding 做布丁时鸡蛋放多了” 就用来形容这种 “画蛇添足” 的行为,也可以指 “夸大其辞而导致不被信任” 的做法。
- Keep it simple when teaching grammar! If you over-egg the pudding with too much information, your students will not understand.
教语法的时候要简单明了!如果过分地填鸭大量的信息,你的学生们就没法理解你所讲的内容。 - I believed you at first, but you’ve over-egged the pudding now! I know you’ve been working a lot lately, but it can’t be true that you worked 22 hours yesterday!
我一开始是相信你的,但你说得太夸张了!我知道你最近工作很辛苦,但你昨天不可能工作了22小时! - This soup tasted really boring before so I added some spices, but I think I’ve over-egged the pudding. There are too many flavours now!