英语短语 | A fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友

人们常说:患难见真情。意思是只有在困难时期陪伴、帮助你的人才是对你真心真意的朋友或亲人。相反,在 “好天气 fair weather” 时相伴,但一有事情就弃人于不顾的朋友在英语里叫做 “a fair-weather friend”,也就是汉语里说的 “酒肉朋友”,不能与你患难与共的朋友。

  • I thought Mark would always be by my side, but I realised he was really just a fair-weather friend. When I needed his support, he wasn’t there.
  • When it becomes clear that someone is a fair-weather friend, you should walk away from the friendship. They will only disappoint you when you need them.
  • I went through a difficult time last year. It made me realise who my real friends were and who were only fair-weather friends.
