英语短语 | Crisis averted 危机已解除

表达 “crisis averted 危机已被避开” 看起来是正式说法,但它也常被用在口语会话中,来幽默地表示 “已经成功避免迫在眉睫的危机”。人们常在一阵慌乱和担忧后用这个说法来表示松了一口气。

  • I thought I’d left the house unlocked, but I called my neighbour and they checked the front door for me. I had locked it after all! Crisis averted.
  • Crisis averted! Michelle didn’t lose her handbag, she just left it at work. She was so worried when she couldn’t find it anywhere!
  • The planes were flying directly towards each other until the traffic controller changed their flight paths and avoided a terrible accident. ‘Crisis averted!’ he said to his colleague.
    几架飞机原本正直冲着彼此飞去,直到交通指挥员改变了它们的航向才避免了惨剧的发生。“危机解除!” 他对同事说。

拓展学习:小词详解 | avert
