搭配 “a chequered past” 或 “a chequered history” 字面上的意思是 “斑斑驳驳的过去”,但其实际意思是比喻一个人过去的经历好坏参半。单词 “chequered” 原本指 “格子图案的”,在这里它形容人跌宕起伏的过去。
所以,搭配 “a chequered past” 多用来告诫人们某人曾作过不光鲜的事情,所以不能轻易信任。
- I’m not sure that Tim is suitable for this job – it seems like he can be trusted, but he has a chequered past.
我不确定蒂姆是否适合这份工作,他似乎可以让人信赖,但他的过去可是好坏参半。 - The famous singer is working hard for many good causes – the environment, poor children, and refugees. Maybe he hopes everyone will forget about his chequered past.
这位著名歌手在为包括环境、贫困儿童和难民等许多公益事业而努力工作。也许他这么做是为了让人们忘掉他好坏参半的过去吧。 - As a result of his chequered past, he has found it difficult to persuade the bank to lend him the money he needs to set up his business.