英语短语 | Push yourself 突破自我

表达 “to push yourself 推自己一下” 常被用来规劝他人走出舒适区,挑战自己的极限,也就是汉语里常说的 “逼自己再努力一把”。这个说法可以用于谈论突破体能的界限,也可以指超越精神上的极限,比如忍耐力、毅力等;它还可以用来指勇于改变固有的态度、行为或尝试喜好以外的事物。在表示这一含义时,动词 “push” 后面常接返身代词,比如 “push myself”、“push yourself”、“push himself” 或 “push herself” 等。

  • Keep going - you can do it! Push yourself just a little bit more – you’re almost at the finishing line!
  • Lewis hates the gym, but the doctor told him he needs to exercise more, so he’s pushing himself to go three times a week.
  • I’m very shy and I hate meeting new people, but I’m going to a party tonight. It’s good to push yourself to do things that are difficult sometimes.