英语短语 | Give the silent treatment 采取不理睬的态度

表达 “give the silent treatment 沉默地对待” 指 “因生气而故意不理睬或不进行任何形式的沟通的做法”。比如,和人吵架之后因为赌气而 “采取冷战的态度”;因意见分歧而 “选择沉默”;或故意对人“不理不睬”。在使用时,人们多用 “give someone the silent treatment” 来描述具体对谁 “不理不睬”。

  • It sounds like you give your partner too much attention when he behaves badly. Try giving him the silent treatment for a while. He might change his ways!
  • Every time I try to resolve our differences you give me the silent treatment! It’s not fair!
  • My boyfriend has been giving me the silent treatment for days. The thing is I don’t know what I’ve done wrong!