英语短语 | Grow apart 渐渐疏远

搭配 “grow apart” 形容 “人之间的感情慢慢变淡,从而渐渐疏远”。它多用在谈论亲友、爱人之间由于失去了共同的兴趣或话题而渐渐产生了隔阂,而不一定是由于发生争论或感情出现问题而造成的关系疏远。

  • After secondary school, my friends and I grew apart. I started work and they went to university, so we had less in common than we used to.
  • After ten years of marriage, they split up – they had been growing apart for years.
  • Despite being deeply in love when they first met, Lucy and Matthew had started to grow apart – they had very different interests and spent time with different people.