though 的用法及固定搭配



(1)though可以用作副词,作“但是”解。但although不可,如He said he would come, he didn't, though里的though不可改作although。

(2)as though中的though不可改作although。参见as 18



  • He would not be unhappy though he should have to live alone. (他即使不得不独自居住也不会不快乐。)
  • He was not unhappy although he had to live alone. (他虽然不得不独自居住,却并不不快乐。)


  • Let's not defer the trip though it rain (不用rains) tomorrow.
  • Though everybody desert (不用deserts) you, I will not.


  • Though he lives alone, he is happy.
  • Though he lives alone, yet he is happy.
  • He lives alone, but he is happy.

注意不可说Though he lives alone, but he is happy。though..., but...是错误的。though..., nevertheless...和though..., still...都可以用,但都不及though..., yet...普通。

3.可以说Though alone,he is happy和Though annoyed,I consented。alone前面省去he is, annoyed前面省去I was。注意下面两句都不可说:

  • Though loving him, I cannot help him.
  • Though disliking the work, he had to do it.

though loving和though disliking都不可说,因为though I was loving和though he was disliking都不可说。该把loving改作I love,把disliking改作he disliked。


  • Though she was a child, the actress was drawing a crowd.
    Child though she was, the actress was drawing a crowd.
  • The book, though it is a masterpiece, is far from popular.
    The book, masterpiece though it is, is far from popular.

