- I cannot stand waiting any longer.
- I cannot stand to wait any longer.
- I cannot stand being kept waiting any longer.
- I cannot stand to be kept waiting any longer.
- I cannot stand keeping waiting any longer.
- I cannot stand weeping, I'll go out of the room if you don't stop so doing.
各句里的stand都作“忍受”解。第一句里的stand也可以当作“站”解,waiting当作现在分词,但那是另一个问题,参见3。第二句和第四句里在stand后面用不定式,是美国用法。第三句和第五句意思相同,当然第五句不及第三句自然,但第五句的不自然原因在于keeping waiting接连两个-ing,假使说I cannot stand keeping seated here any longer便很自然,其他如Roses can well stand uprooting and transplanting并不及Roses can well stand being uprooted and transplanted自然。第六句里的weeping指别人的“哭”。
2.We knew his intention of standing godfather to the boy里在godfather前面没有a。
- He stood waiting. (他站着等待[不是站着谈话或观看]。)
- He waited standing. (他站着等待[不是坐着或躺着等待]。)
下面两句里的type standing和wrote that long letter standing不可改作stand typing和stood writing that long letter:
- As there was no chair in the room, he had to type(打字)standing.
- She actually wrote that long letter standing.