see 的用法及固定搭配


1.see的宾语后面的不定式没有to。例如:I often see him walk up the hill. 但假使把see改作被动语态,那不定式便该有to。例如:He is often seen to walk up the hill.

I often see him walk up the hill和I often see him walking up the hill意思相仿,用不定式比用分词语气重些。在有“故意看…”的意思的时候通常用不定式。例如:I should like to see you walk up the hill.

I saw him walk up the hill不论指“故意看见”或“偶然看见”都有“我看着他继续上山”的意思,I saw him walking up the hill有“他原来在上山,我偶然看见”的意思。


  • I saw him walk up the hill.
  • I saw him walking up the hill.
  • Now I saw that he walked up the hill every morning.

Now I saw him to be the man who walked up the hill every morning. 第一句和第二句(参见1)里的saw作“看见”解。第三句和第四句里的saw作“知悉”或“了解”解。注意第四句的不定式be前面有to。


  • I hope to see you well again soon.
  • I was sorry to see him so much changed.
  • His friends were surprised to see him accused in a murder case.

4.see有时是“访问”,有时是“接见”。例如:I shall come to see you tomorrow morning. 和If you call tomorrow morning, I shall be glad to see you.


  • I will see (that) he writes the letter correctly.
  • I will see to it that he writes the letter correctly.



  • I hope you can see your way to settle the matter.
  • I hope you can see your way to settling the matter.
  • I hope you can see your way clear to settle the matter.
  • I hope you can see your way clear to settling the matter.

We cannot see our way (clear) to grant(ing) your request里的cannot see our way (clear) to...(ing)是公文里的客气话,比cannot...婉转。

7.He saw through it是“他看穿了它、不被它蒙蔽”。He saw it through是“他办完了它(并不半途而废)”。

8.I must see to getting the dinner ready里的see to作“注意做到”解,to是介词,getting不可改作get。

9.注意I saw him off for Beijing yesterday(我昨天送他动身到北京去)里用for。

10.see after和see into不及look after和look into普通。
