same 的用法及固定搭配


1.the same和same在法律和商业文件里作“上述的事物”或“上述的人(们)”解。例如:We have examined the report and found (the) same correct. 和Our customers are for the most part college students, and we always try to satisfy (the) same. 在一般文字里该避免。


  • I live in the same house as he.
  • I live in the same house with him.
  • I live in the same house as he lives in.
  • I live in the same house that he lives.
  • I live in the same house that he lives in.
  • I live in the same house where he lives.
  • I live in the same house he lives in.

第一句里的as he=as he lives in,那as是关系代词。第二句里的with him是状语短语,形容same,这句不及第一句普通。第三句便是第一句的完全式,也不及第一句普通。第四句里的that是关系副词,等于in which,这句不很自然。第五句里的that是关系代词,这句跟第三句结构相同。有人以为该用as,有人以为该用that,在事实上都有。第六句里用where,不关前面的same。假使把same省去了,仍旧可以用where。第七句里在he的前面省去as或that。第六句和第七句里的same最好删去。


  • I live in the same house that he lives.
  • He prefers the short story to the novel on the same basis that he prefers the short poem to the long.
  • I shall post a letter to Mr Cook at the same time that I do this.


  • I live in the same house as that where he lives.
  • I live in the same house as the one where he lives.
  • I live in the house where he lives.


  • Mr Peter Patterson is the same as the one you mention.
  • Mr Peter Patterson is the one you mention.


  • He is the same man (that) we met thirty years ago. (1.他就是我们在30年前遇到过的那个男子。2.我们在30年前遇到过他,现在他还是那个样子[没有改变]。)
  • He is the identical man (that) we met thirty years ago. (他就是我们在30年前遇到过的那个男子。)
  • He is the identical man we met thirty years ago, but is not the same man any longer. (他就是我们在30年前遇到过的那个男子,但不再是那个样子了。)

6.不可说as same as,该把第一个as改作the。
