
Fray 是本周《经济学人》(2024年11月30日刊)标题为“How will Donald Trump handle the war in Ukraine?”一文中出现的一个单词:
But with Ukrainian forces retreating, the Russian defence industry humming and North Korean troops joining the fray on Russia’s side, Mr Putin believes he has the upper hand.
(习语 gain/get/have the upper hand 表示“占上风、处于有利地位”)
从词源上来看, fray 一词源自拉丁语 fricare (摩擦、打磨),最早于14世纪由英国法语 freier, froier (摩擦、刮擦;用力推向……处)进入英语,主要用来表示“磨损”,尤指通过不断地摩擦而使织物、绳索、线绳等的边沿、边缘或末端“磨散”。比如:
- 这种质地柔韧的布料容易磨损。
The pliant fabric frays easily. - 一些不知名品牌的充电线容易磨损,或者要花很长时间才能给你的手机充满电。
Some charging cables from obscure brands fray easily or are slow at replenishing your phone.
而字面上表示“开始卷边、脱线脚”的习语 fray at/around the edges/seams 则常用来喻指“趋于崩溃、渐遭破坏、分崩离析”。比如:
- 在这个节骨眼上,他因成功而感到飘飘然,没有觉察到对他的拥护正在分崩离析。
At this critical juncture, he felt heady with success, unaware that support for him was fraying at the edges.
生活中磨磨衣服、充电线什么的也就算了,最怕的就是磨人,特别让人烦躁恼火。在英语中 fray 也被用来引申指“(使)烦躁、急躁、恼火、紧张”,就好比把人的脾气、精神、情绪、耐心等磨散而崩溃。比如:
- 随着这场激烈的辩论继续,大家的脾气开始变得烦躁起来。
As the furious debate went on, tempers began to fray.
此外, fray 同小站(微信公众号:田间小站)推送过的 trump, gaudy, jerk 等一样,也是个同形异义词。它还有一个名词含义来源于对单词 affray (尤指在公共场所的“打架、斗殴、闹事、滋事”)的缩写,现在主要用来表示“打斗、争斗、争论、竞争”,常用 the fray 作书面用语使用,尤指混乱或旷日持久的打斗、争斗、争论或竞争。比如:
- 介入争斗
enter/join the fray - 退出政治角逐
retire from the political fray
好了,关于 fray 今天就讲到这里。最后送各位一句出自英国散文家威廉·哈兹里特(William Hazlitt)的名言共勉:
He who lives wisely to himself and his own heart looks at the busy world through the loopholes of retreat, and does not want to mingle in the fray.