past 的用法及固定搭配


1.关于past和passed的区别,参见pass 7

2.I am past bearing it是“我不再能够忍耐这个了”。I am past being surprised是“我不再能够被使惊奇了”,就是说“我认为一切都不足为奇了”。但说“这个不再能够被人忍耐了”却说It is past bearing,不说It is past being borne。下面两句的结构都跟It is past bearing相同:

  • A word spoken is past recalling.(一言既出,驷马难追。)
  • Her ignorance is past believing.(她的无知到了使人不能相信的地步。)


  • during the past year for the past few weeks
  • for a long time past for some time past
  • for some days past in times past

4.过了半小时以上不该用past,如可以说twenty-nine minutes past ten和half past ten,但不可说thirty-one minutes past ten,该改作twenty-nine minutes to eleven。

5.half past ten(10点半)里的past是介词,between ten and half past和at ten (o'clock) or half past里在past后面省去ten。