part 的用法及固定搭配


1.关于part,a part和(a) great part,参见a, an 11

2.most part(百分之五十以上)of them比the most part of them普通。

3.part of或a part of后面的名词或代词假使是单数,那动词也是单数,假使是复数,那动词也是复数,如(A) part of it is good和(A) part of them are good。

4.two parts是“三分之二”,three parts是“四分之三”,four parts是“五分之四”,nine parts是“十分之九”,nineteen parts是“二十分之十九”。parts前的数字总是比那全部少一。

5.a great part是“一大部分”,但不一定百分之五十以上,the greater part是“百分之五十以上”。

6.on the part of...(在[某人]方面)和on my(或your等)part前面的抽象名词前面通常没有the。例如:

  • This is due to good taste on the part of the reading public.
  • We have heard of strong objection on their part. part(部分地),in large part(大部分地),in great part等表达方式里不用a。例如:The success was in (large) part due to their tireless efforts.(不作in a [large] part)和The book is devoted in (great) part to depicting Irish life.(不作in a [great] part) parts和in part不同。The success was in part due to their tireless efforts里的in part不可改作in parts。The story is in part written in verse是“这故事部分地用诗体写成”。The story is in parts written in verse是“这故事有几部分用诗体写成”。

9.take part in(参加)中没有a或the。

10.take part with和take the part of都作“赞助”或“袒护”解,注意第一种表达方式里用with,没有the,第二种表达方式里用of,有the。

11.part(不及物动词)是一时的动作,所以不可说We have parted for a year,该说We parted a year ago或It is a year since we parted。We feel as if we had been parted from each other for years里的been不可省去。

12.说“跟(某人)分别”用part from比用part with普通,如He parted from his wife last week比He parted with his wife last week普通。说“放弃(东西)”用part with比用part from普通,如He had to part with some of his most cherished possessions比He had to part from some of his most cherished possessions普通。说“停止雇用(某人)”只可用part with,不可用part from。

13.He looked part pleased,part amused,part sympathetic里的part是副词,作partly解。