1.none用作no-one解现在主要用在谚语里。例如:None knows the weight of another's burden.(见人挑担不吃力。)在其他场合很不普通,该避免,如不该说None knows about it,该改作No-one knows about it或Nobody knows about it。
none but...(除了…以外没有人)后面现在接复数形式的动词。例如:None but fools are(不用is)interested in such things.
2.none of后面的名词或代词属于单数形式或复数形式都有,例如:None of it is mine. 和None of these are mine.
None of these is mine也可以说,跟None of these are mine意思相同。下面两句也意思相同:
- Of all my friends none are so clever as George.
- Of all my friends none is so clever as George.
- None of them are the men I met this morning.(早上我遇到过不止一个男子。)
- None of them is the man I met this morning.(早上我遇到过只有一个男子。)
3.none of them,none of these,none of the books等表达方式被看作属于复数形式或单数形式都可以,但复数比单数普通,如None of them are interested in it比None of them is interested in it普通,None of them are good scholars比None of them is a good scholar普通。
4.none of后面的名词或代词假使是属于复数形式的,它必须指两个以上的人或物,不可只指两个,如可以说I have three sisters, none of them are at home,不可说I have two sisters, none of them are at home,该把none of them are改作neither of them is。
5.Gold and silver have I none(我没有金和银),Communication with the outside world Tom had almost none(汤姆几乎没有跟外界交往)等句子里的none是形容词,在第一句里修饰gold和silver,在第二句里修饰communication。这种结构现在不很普通。
6.He was none other than the general himself(他就是那将军本人)里的none可以算作形容词,形容other,也可以算作代词,被other修饰,这种结构现在不很普通。用no other也可以,但似乎也不很普通。
7.none the better(并不因而好些),none too good(不很好),none so good(不很好),none such a fool(不是这样的孩子)等表达方式里的none是副词,作“并不”解。none the less一语的结构和意思跟nevertheless(参见nevertheless)完全相同。
none用作副词,在英格兰现在只用在the(副词)和属于比较级的形容词或副词前面和在none too...,none so...和none such...三种表达方式里。但在美国和苏格兰没有这限制,如I slept none that night是美国英语,在英国说I did not sleep at all that night。
8.不可说None of them do not know me,该改作Every one of them knows me。