(1)关于河岸的left和right参见bank 1,并不相当于汉语里的“江左”和“江右”。
(2)每人有left和right两边,但在照片或图画里的left叫做right,right叫做left,这是因为依照看的照片或图画的人的左、右而说的。假定有人同甲、乙两人合影,甲在他的左边,乙在他的右边,在照片的说明里却把甲看作在他的right,把乙看作在他的left。不过要是用了on the left-hand side和on the right-hand side或on the left hand of和on the right hand of,必须依照那个人的左、右两手来说。
2.The author is seated in the centre, his son is on his left, and his daughter is on his right里的on his left和on his right两种表达方式可以分别改用on the left和on the right,或at his left和at his right,或at the left和at the right,或to his left和to his right,或to the left和to the right。
说到较长的距离通常用to。例如:The post office is a few yards to the right of the railway station.