home 的用法及固定搭配


1.at home里用at,不用in。in the home里用in,不用at。例如:The book is for use both in the office and in the home. 和This industry can be easily carried on in the home. 不可说I am in the home或He is studying in the home。at my home, at the Browns' home等表达方式里的at偶尔改用in。

2.come home, go home, arrive home, bring home, send home等表达方式里的home是副词,前面不可加to或at。

3.He is home和Is he home yet? 等句子里的home都作“到家了的”解,不作“在家的”解。“他在家(还不曾出去)”不可说He is home,“他还在家(不曾出去)吗?”不可说Is he home yet? 都该在home前面加上at。Is he home yet? 是“他已经到家了吗?”


  • You must be home to tea. (你必须回家吃茶点。)
  • I shall be home by ten this evening. (我今天晚上将至迟在10点钟回家。)
  • The boy is home from school. (这男孩已经放学回家了。)
  • He has not been home for a week. (1.他已经一星期不回家了。2.他回家到现在不满一星期。)
  • He was home for a month on leave. (他请假在家一个月。)

4.home在英国指“家”。有钱人住着大房子,那大房子便是home,有些人家住着一两套公寓,那一两套公寓也便是home,穷苦人家住在贫民区里的一间小房子,那一间小房子也便是home。不论怎样大小的房子,假使没有人住着,便不叫做home。但在美国往往指“住宅”,所以有build homes, buy a home等语。

5.the Smith home, the Jones home等是美国英语,作“Smith家,Jones家”等解,相当于英国英语Mr Smith's, Mr Jones's等。

6.home city, home town, home county等都是美国英语,在英国通常用native而不用home。

7.his letters home是“他写给家里的信”,his home letters是“他的家里写给他的信”,就是his letters from home。
