due 的用法及固定搭配


1.in due course(依照顺序)和in due time(在适当时机)里都没有the。in due course of time跟in due time同义,但很不普通。

2.the amount due to you(欠你的款项)等表达方式里的to在美国往往省去。Thanks are due to all the authors whose works are here represented里的to在美国也往往省去。

3.the amount due是“那欠着的款项”,the due amount是“那(多少)适当的款项”。

4.在“标准”英语里due to(由于)只可引导形容词短语,不可引导状语短语,如可以说Their delay was due to the bad weather,不可说“They delayed due to the bad weather,该把due改作owing,但这种用法的due to在英美都很普通。

5.Thanks are due (to) him和A month's leave is due (to) her都是正常的英语。He is due thanks和She is due a month's leave是比较新的结构,主要用在口语里。