(l)Please come to see me里当然用come,不可用go。I will come to see you和I will go to see you都可以说,但通常用come。在“来”和“去”对比的场合用go。例如:As you cannot come to see me, I will go to see you.
(2)He has asked me to come to see him和He has asked me to go to see him都可以说,但通常用come。在“来”和“去”对比的场合用go。例如:As he cannot come to see me, he has asked me to go to see him. He has asked me to go to see his brother里用go,但假使那哥哥或弟弟跟“他”在一起,也可以改用come。
(3)Shall you come to see him tomorrow?和Shall you go to see him tomorrow?都可以说,但用了come含有“我也将去”的意思。Will you come with me to see him?和Will you go with me to see him?都可以说,似乎用come普通些。
2.He has come from Shanghai是“他曾经从上海来”,He comes from Shanghai是“他是上海出身的人”。He comes of(或from)a peasant family(他是农民家庭出身的人)里用comes,不可用has come。 Where do you come from?是“你是什么地方的人?”Where have you come from?是“你刚从什么地方来?”
3.come(过去分词)有时被用作形容词,如He is come和Your time is come。is come着重在“已来”的状态,has come着重在“已来”的动作。is come现在不普通。
I am glad to hear of George come home.
The young man is an engineer come to consult my father.
This is one of my childhood reveries come real (成为了事实的).
4.have come是“已经来而仍旧在这里”的意思,说“已经来(而又去了)”不可说have come,所以下面各句都不对:
He has come often recently.
He has come twice this week.
He has come only once.
该把各句里的come改作been here。
但have come and gone是可以说的,因为come and go是习语,作“来而复去”,“来来去去”或“一来就去”解。
Nobody has come是“没有人已经来到。”Nobody has been是“没有人来过”。
5.He has come for five days是“他已经来了,预备住五天”(不是“他已经来了五天”)。He has been coming for five days是“他已经有五天要来而未来了(实际不曾来)”。说“他已经来了五天”该说He has been here for five days。It is five days since he came (here)和He came (here) five days ago都没有“他仍旧在这里”的含意。
6.答应敲门的人,英国人通常说Come in!美国人通常说Come!
7.How comes it that you have lost your watch? How came this word to be used in this sense?等句并不比How does it come that...?How did this word come...?等句不普通。在美国有How comes you have lost your watch?等句(没有it和that),在口语里往往不用comes而用come。
8.when(偶尔用if)it comes to(至于…,就…而论)里的to是介词,不是不定式的符号,所以When it comes to writing short essays, you had better ask his advice里的writing不可改作write。come near to(几乎)里的to也是介词,所以He came near to making the mistake里的making不可改作make。
9.Come have supper with us和He asked me to come see him里的have和see前面省去to是习惯用法,但不及不省略普通。
He came to the house by inheritance.
The house came to him by inheritance.
11.I first met him five years ago, come the sixth of next month是“我在5年前的下个月6日第一次遇到他”。
12.come in useful是“证明为有用”,come in handy是“证明为在手头可用”。不可说come in convenient, come in useless, come in interesting等。