choose 的用法及固定搭配


1.choose作“选择出来”解,不作“从…选择”解,如可以说I want to choose five from(或among,或from among,或out of)these books,但不可说These books are for you to choose。该在choose后面加上from, among, from among或out of。

2.该说choose between A and B,不该说choose between A or B。

3.choose后面接不定式作“要…”或“决意…”解,有时含有“要…而不要做另一件事”的意思,但有时不含这意思,如I choose to stay at home有“不要出去”的含意,但I do not choose to do it again似乎没有含意。

4.choose后面可以接宾语和表语,有时也接双宾语,如They chose her a secretary。也许是“他们选择她做秘书”。(secretary用作表语),也许是“他们替她选择一个秘书”。(secretary用作直接宾语)。


  • We chose Mr Wood as our leader.
  • We chose Mr Wood for our leader.
  • We chose Mr Wood our leader.