cause 的用法及固定搭配


1.I have cause for hope和I do not think you have cause to worry等句子里的cause前面没有a或the。

2.cause of ...是“…的根源”,of的宾语不一定指行为或感觉,cause for ...是“…的理由”,for的宾语一定指行为或感觉,如the cause of the accident和the cause of the crime, cause for complaint和cause for rejoicing。cause for前面没有the。

3.cause后面可以接宾语和不定式。例如:The lightning caused the baby to cry.注意cry前面有to。

4.cause后面不可接宾语和形容词,如不可说That caused me happy,该在happy前面加上to be,或把caused改作made。口语里通常用made。

5.cause可以有双宾语。例如:That caused him much inconvenience.

1.cease doing it和cease to do it都是“停止做这事”,但略有区别。只有一次的动作通常用动名词。例如:When he heard the knock, he ceased writing.经常性的动作通常用不定式,例如:He ceased to write at the age of eighty.

2.cease后面接from和动名词跟接动名词没有区别,但不用from比较普通些,如cease writing比cease from writing普通。

3.在日常文字里stop比cease多用,但stop后面只可接动名词,不可接不定式,用了不定式便有另一意思。参见stop 1