below 的用法及固定搭配


below, beneath, under和underneath四个介词略有区别,有下面几点该注意:


(2)below跟above相反,指“比…低下”,under跟over相反,指“在…的下面”。如在飞机上看来,地上的一切都是below,但只有那飞机垂直下面的地方是under。又如those below him是“职位比他低的人们”,those under him是“受他管理的人们”。

(3)a man below twenty(一个20岁以下的男人)里的below改作under也可以,an income below ¥100里的below改作under也可以。


  • In old days, when a gentleman's daughter married a peasant, a worker, or a shop assistant, people would say that she married beneath her (同比她身份低的人结婚).
  • You must not consider it beneath you (有失你的身份) to ask his help.
  • He used to regard such matters as beneath his notice (不值得被他注意).
  • A lazybones is beneath contempt (不值得轻视,极可鄙).
  • A captain is beneath a major (比陆军少校级别低).

(5)underneath只指实质上的上下,语气比under重些,如under the bed是“在床下“,underneath the bed有“被压在床下”或“被覆在床下”的意思。