and 的用法及固定搭配


1.记数在百位和十位或个位中间通常用and,如two hundred and forty-eight和seven hundred and four。在千位和十位或个位中间也通常用and,如three thousand and fifty-two和eight thousand and six。但在千位和百位中间不该用and,如six thousand four hundred,不作six thousand and four hundred。


3.A, B, and C(and前面有逗号)现在似乎比A, B and C(and前面没有逗号)普通。有时省去逗号意思不明白,所以最好不省去。

4.A, B, and C是正常的结构,A, B, C和A and B and C都是为了增加语势而用的结构,如I keep a cat, a dog, a horse和I keep a cat and a dog and a horse这两种结构通常该避免。

注意:Charles keeps a cat, a dog, a horse里有三件东西。假使只有两件,这种结构极不普通,如Charles keeps a cat, a dog极不普通。在事实上,一不留心,往往会写出类似这种结构的句子。如Charles lives in the country, keeps a cat and a dog里用and连接a cat和a dog,但在live in the country和keep a cat and a dog两种表达方式中间没有and,犯了跟a cat, a dog同样的毛病。He seldom drank, never smoked or gambled里该在never前面加上and。

不过对于在定语用法里的形容词,这结构可算普通,如a tall, green tree和a warm, bright day。


  • He turned, went out.
  • She looked at me, seemed to want to talk to me.
  • They asked for you, said they had an engagement with you.

5.Come and see me, Go and look at it和Try and do it等句子里的and有许多人说该改作to,因为Come以see me做目的,Go以look at it做目的,Try以do it做目的,每句里的两个动词,都不该当作并列的。这理由很充足,可是在事实上and这样用法很普通。在口语里比用to普通得多。这种结构不但用在come,go和try的后面,也用在learn,mind,send,stay,stop,write(写信)等词的后面。


  • Come and see me.
  • I ask you to come and see me.
  • I hope you will come and see me.


  • He came and saw me.
  • He is coming and seeing me.
  • He has come and seen me.
  • He insists on coming and seeing me.

第二句是讲不通的。其他三句都讲得通,但He came and saw me跟He came to see me意思不同,He has come and seen me跟He has come to see me意思不同,He insists on coming and seeing me(他坚持要来,而且坚持要见我)跟He insists on coming to see me意思不同。


Ask him again, and he will tell you (=If you ask him again, he will tell you). Ask属于祈使语气。同样地You push and I will pull里的push也属于祈使语气。下面各句里的and都脱胎于这个用法:

  • You have only to see him and you will find him interesting.
  • It is only necessary to see him and you will find him interesting.
  • Can you lend me your typewriter and I will return it to you in a few days?
  • Why don't you come this evening and we'll have a chat together?
  • He asked her to tell him the whole thing and he would advise her.
  • He told her to go out and he would follow.


  • Hesitate, and the chance is gone.
  • Alter the expression, and you alter the idea.
  • Give him tools and he worked well.
  • Give him tools and he would have worked well.


  • Another attempt, and success is assured.
  • Another attempt, and success would be assured.
  • Another attempt, and success would have been assured.

7.Come and see me和Give me hope and give me life两句在语法结构上是相同的,可是在涵义上大不相同。第一句等于Come to see me,第二句等于If you give me hope, you (will) give me life。

8.下面各句里的and或and that作“而且…”解:

  • My fan is a present from a friend, and (that) a recent present.
  • I have lost one sheet of your letter and (that) the most important sheet.
  • Something has to be done about it, and (that) without delay.
  • She apologized, and (that) profusely, for being late.


  • The end and aim of the book is explained in the preface.
  • Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.


  • He did not speak clearly and correctly. (他不曾讲得清楚而正确。[他讲得清楚,但不正确。])
  • He did not speak clearly or correctly. (他不曾讲得清楚,也不曾讲得正确。)

11.& (ampersand)代表and,主要用在商业文件等里,在一般文字里最好不用。

12.and/or作and或or解,如A and/or B=A and B, or A or B。主要用在表格和商业文件里,在一般文字里最好不用,如可以改用A or B or both。

A and/or B后面的动词可以用单数,也可以用复数,但意思略有不同。例如:

  • Henry and/or Peter is to be admitted. (大约只取一人)
  • Henry and/or Peter are to be admitted. (大约将取两人)