aid 的用法及固定搭配


1.aid的宾语后面接不定式或in和动名词都可以,如We aid him to do it和We aid him in doing it。

2.aid(帮助物)后面接to,如I hope this book will be a great aid to English composition。要是后面用动名词,接to或for都可以,如various aids to (或for) teaching foreign languages。


He came for our aid. (他来请我们帮助。)

He came to our aid. (他来帮助我们。)

4.What's this in aid of? 和What's all this in aid of? 都是口语,直译作“这(一切)帮助什么?”,就是“你(这样做)的目的是什么?”