acquaintance 的用法及固定搭配


1. 下面三句意思相同:

  • I have made acquaintance with the artist.
  • I have made the acquaintance of the artist.
  • I have made the artist's acquaintance.



  • We made acquaintance last year.
  • We made acquaintance with each other (或one another) last year.
  • We made each other's (或one another's) acquaintance last year.
  • We made the acquaintance of each other (或one another) last year.

2. acquaintance从前也用作集合名词,指若干相识者,如his friends and acquaintance,这用法现在很不普通,现在最好说his friends and acquaintances,但he has a large acquaintance(他有许多相识者)现在还是正常的英语。

3. a slight acquaintance (仅仅相识), an intimate acquaintance和a nodding acquaintance(点头之交)三种表达方式里的acquaintance都指对于人或事物的认识,并不指“相识的人”,如I have a slight (或an intimate,或a nodding) acquaintance with him (或the subject)和He has a slight acquaintance with astronomy。