acquaint 的用法及固定搭配


1.acquaint是“使…认识”,不是“认识”,后面接with。“我认识他”该说I am acquainted with him。be acquainted with含有“仅仅认识、并不亲近”的意思。

2.acquaint虽然作“使…认识”解,“我要使他认识她”却不可说I want to acquaint him with her,照习惯该说I want to make (或get) him acquainted with her。

3.make (或get) him (或you等) acquainted with后面接指事物的词也可以。例如:I want to make (或get) him acquainted with some new words. (我将使他认识几个新词。)把make或get改作bring从前普通,现在不大通用。

4.He wrote to acquaint me with the situation(他写信告诉我那情况)和He wrote to acquaint me how the work was going on等句子里的acquaint现在在美国是普通的,但在英国不很普通,通常改用tell或inform。改用了tell或inform,第一句里的with该改作about。