In the past, each aspect of lay funerary ritual had multiple levels of practical justification and traditional meaning. The eyelids are generally the first part of the body to set in rigor mortis , just before the jaw, hours after death. A corpse whose eyes refused to close was traditionally believed to presage further deaths, so closing the eyes was imperative to forestall the omen , and to prevent survivors' unease.
The dead body is an object of great potency , with a powerful presence of its own. Part of this effect derives from its embodiment of the power of death, part from the strangeness death works upon it. British funeral practices reveal that there existed a conception of a transitional period between death and burial in which the body was regarded as 'neither alive nor fully dead'.
In a physical sense, of course, we are all familiar with this notion —in the currently continuing difficulty in defining the precise moment of death, the possibility of resuscitation , and in the phenomenon of organs, which, though extracted from corpses, are yet sufficiently alive to support life again in the body of another. Old British customs and beliefs—such as the belief that a signature taken while the corpse is still warm had the same status as in life, that a corpse could indicate displeasure if a will read before it was false, or that it would bleed if a murderer came into its vicinity —seem to attribute sentience to the dead body.