
Stonehenge is the most architecturally sophisticated prehistoric stone circle in the world. The design, position, and interrelationship of the monuments and sites are evidence of a wealthy and highly organised prehistoric society able to impose its concepts on the environment. An outstanding example is the alignment of the Stonehenge Avenue and Stonehenge stone circle on the axis of the midsummer sunrise and midwinter sunset, indicating their ceremonial and astronomical character.

There is an exceptional survival of prehistoric monuments and sites within the World Heritage site including settlements , burial grounds, and large constructions of earth and stone. Today, together with their settings, they form landscapes without parallel . These complexes would have been of major significance to those who created them, as is apparent by the huge investment of time and effort they represent. They provide an insight into the mortuary and ceremonial practices of the period, and are evidence of prehistoric technology, architecture, and astronomy. The careful siting of monuments in relation to the landscape helps us to further understand the Neolithic and Bronze Age.