
In the UK, the main Christmas Meal is usually eaten at lunchtime or early afternoon on Christmas Day. It was traditionally roast beef or goose, although it's common to have turkey now, roast vegetables and "all the trimmings" which means stuffing and sometimes bacon and sausages.(In Scotland, some people might even have Haggis instead of turkey!) Dessert is often Christmas Pudding. Mince pies and lots of chocolates are often eaten as well!
在英国,人们通常在圣诞节当天的中午或下午早些时候享用圣诞大餐。传统的圣诞大餐主要包括烤牛肉或烤鹅,而现在多为火鸡,还有烤蔬菜以及香肠全餐。香肠全餐含有肉馅填料,有时也有熏肉和香肠 (在苏格兰,有些人甚至会用羊肉杂碎布丁代替火鸡作为圣诞大餐的主食)。甜点通常是圣诞布丁。此外,人们还会吃肉馅饼和巧克力!

Almost all British people, regardless of age, wear colored paper hats when having the Christmas dinner, the Christmas cracker. A Christmas cracker is a cardboard paper tube, wrapped colored paper, usually in green, red or gold, and twisted at both ends. There is a small banger inside the cracker and once the cracker is pulled apart, the cracker makes a bang.

Crackers are typically pulled at the Christmas dinner table or at parties. Contents inside the tube typically are a colored paper hat or crown; a small toy, small plastic model or a motto , a joke, a riddle on a small strip of paper. In one version of the cracker tradition, the person with the larger portion of cracker empties the contents from the tube and keeps them. In another, each person will have their own cracker and will keep its contents.