英国人为什么开口闭口都是 love ?

In Britain there we have a funny habit that will either make you wonder what on earth is going on, or make you feel right at home! 'Pet names' have developed across each part of each of the countries. You'll hear the little old man in the local shop say "There you go love" as they hand you your biscuits, though you've never been to their shop before. Hairdressers and waitresses will greet you with "Hello my love" or "Hihon'". Strangers will say "Cheers sweetie!"if you do something to help; boys will call to each other "Alright mate!”. These words are used so often in fact, that in some parts of the country, you might notice more if they are not used than when they are! Many foreigners to Britain find these terms of endearment to strangers really eccentric when they first arrive, but grow to realize that they are simply ways of showing friendliness; and many of us miss these little terms a lot when we move elsewhere!

These litt le terms of endearment can be used in public, by anyone, at almost any time. Usually people who deal with a lot of general public will use pet names just as a natural part of speech: waitresses, shop keepers, hairdressers, car mechanics, builders, workmen. People in professional environments tend not to use them so much! It's a kind of casual language, but people who work in environments where there's no need to be formal, will just use them in every part of life, with friends, family and probably with you, if you are ever in Britain!

So the rules on using these words are, only when you feel comfortable! How you use them and how often are really just a reflection of personal taste. Some people use them all the time (e.g. shop keepers/ waitresses), others, just when they feel like it, or around friends. Avoid using them in professional environments, such as at business meetings, although, even here, you may not always be safe from hearing them!