
A study has found that for more than half of us, conversation turns to our climate at least once every six hours. A quarter of us deem the topic of such interest that we use it as an icebreaker. Our obsession with the weather runs so deep that almost 70 percent of British people check the weather forecast at least once a day. And the fascination appears to increase with age, as more than 80 percent of over-55s seek out a daily forecast, compared to 42 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds.

Foreign observers are often quick to gloat that Britain's unpredictable and often wet weather is the cause of our fixation , however, only 44 percent of those polled agreed. One in five claimed that weather-talk is an easy way of appearing friendly to strangers, while 12 percent said it helps keep conversations safe and impersonal . Social anthropologist Kate Fox, who is director of the Social Issues Research Centre think tank, said:" Britons need weather-talk to help us overcome our social inhibitions and handicaps ." "The variability of the British weather makes it an ideal medium for our social messages." "We certainly talk about it a lot but this is not because it is an intrinsically interesting topic. Over half of the people we spoke to admitted that they used weather-talk to facilitate social interaction.