
Talk to a Briton and, unless you know him very well, chances are that you'll be talking about the weather within the first 10 minutes or so. Even if you do know her very well, chances are that the weather will come up . It's a pure British trait , and there are countless theories about why this might be. Here are the two main ones.

Reason one: Weather is safe. In a country where people are overwhelmingly uncomfortable about showing their emotions in a way that, say, the Italians aren't, weather gives the Brit something to latch onto that's safe to talk about. There are few Brits who'll give you their life story during an elevator ride; however, you might find out how much it's been raining, shining, or snowing, and where.

Reason two: There is just so much of it. In his 1990s mini-series about Scotland, comedian Billy Connolly once proclaimed that the reason there were so few trees on the Shetland Isles is that they'd all blown away to Norway. Britain is a country which only a few years ago topped 100 degrees F for the first time, a fact that made headline news. Britain is green, green, and green... and that's because it rains, rains, and rains. And then it coughs up rainbows.