
People often ask whether members of the Royal Family have a surname, and, if so, what it is. Members of the Royal Family can be known both by the name of the Royal house, and by a surname, which are not always the same. And often they do not use a surname at all.

Before 1917, members of the British Royal Family had no surname, but only the name of the house or dynasty to which they belonged. Kings and princes were historically known by the names of the countries over which they and their families ruled. Kings and queens therefore signed themselves by their first names only, a tradition in the United Kingdom which has continued to the present day. The names of dynasties tended to change when the line of succession was taken by a rival faction within the family, or when succession passed to a different family branch through females. Just as children can take their surnames from their father, so sovereigns normally take the name of their "House" from their father.