英语笑话 | 下个礼拜天他要讲一个撒谎者的故事

One Sunday a priest told the people in the church that he would speak about liars the next week, and they should read the seventeenth chapter of St. Mark before then, so as to be ready
for the next week.
某个礼拜天,一位牧师对教堂里的教徒们说,下个礼拜天他要讲一个撒谎者的故事,并说,为下周的礼拜做好准备,教徒们都应该事先阅读《马可福音》的第17 章。

The following Sunday he began by looking around the people in the church and asking which of them had read the seventeenth chapter of St. Mark.
下一个礼拜天,一开始他就环顾教堂里所有的信徒,问他们中间哪些人读了《马可福音》第17 章。

Quite a lot of the people held up their hands, and the priest then said, “You are just the people my today’s talk will be intended for St. Mark only has sixteen chapters.”
相当多的人举起手。于是,牧师说:“你们正好是我今天讲道中所要针对的那些人,要知道,《马可福音》总共只有16 章。”