英语笑话 | 苹果馅饼,来一口怎么样?

A new volunteer who had not quite learned his business, was on sentry duty. One night, he bought a pie from the canteen.

As he sat on the grass eating pie, the major sauntered up in plainclothes. The sentry, not recognizing him, did not salute, and the major stopped and said, “What’s that you have there?”

“Apple pie. Have a bite?” said the sentry, good-naturedly.

The major frowned.

“Do you know who I am?” he asked.

“No,” said the sentry, “unless you’re major’s groom.”

“Guess again.”

“The barber from the village?”


“Maybe,” the sentry laughed, “maybe you’re the major himself?”

“That’s right. I am the major.”

The sentry scrambled to his feet. “Good gracious!” He exclaimed. “Hold the pie, will you, while I present arms!”