英语美文 | The Mischievous Wind 淘气的风

The Mischievous Wind

Out upon the angry wind, now from sighing, it began to bluster round the merry forge, banging at the wicket, and grumbling in the chimney, as if it bullied the jolly bellows for doing anything, to order. And what an impotent swaggerer it was too, for all its noise; for if it had any influence on that hoarse companion, it was but to make him roar his cheerful song the louder, and by consequence to make the fire burn the brighter, and the sparks to dance more gaily yet; at length, they whizzed so madly round and round, that it was too much for such a surly wind to bear; so off it flew with a howl, giving the old sign before the ale-house door such a cuff as it went that the blue dragon was more rampant than usual ever afterward, and, indeed, before Christmas reared clean out of its crazy frame.

It was small tyranny for a respectable wind to go wreaking its vengeance on such poor creatures as the fallen leaves; but this wind, happening to come up with a great heap of them just after venting its humor on the insulted dragon, do so disperse and scatter them that they fled away, pell-mell, some here, some there, rolling over each other, whirling round and round upon their thin edges, taking frantic flights into the air, and playing all manner of extraordinary gambols in the extremity of their distress. Nor was this enough for its malicious fury, for not content with driving them abroad, it charged small parties of them and hunted them into the wheelwright’s saw-pit, and below the planks and timbers in the yard, and scattering the sawdust in the air, it looked for them underneath, and when it did meet with any, whew! How it drove them on and followed at their heels!
风如果要在象落叶这样可怜的东西上泄愤,这种暴行实在投出息,很不光彩。可是刚才那阵风,在耍弄了这条无端受辱的青龙之后,恰巧赶上一大堆落叶,竟狂吹一气,把落叶赶得四散奔逃、乱作一团;有的逃向这边,有的逃向那边多连滚带爬,争先恐后,时而竖在薄薄的叶边上团团转,时而发狂似的飞向空中,在极度痛苦中狼狈地作着种种奇形怪状的翻腾跳跃。可是恶毒的风余怒未息,把落叶赶走它还不满意,就向小股小 股的落叶冲锋,把它食方吐进车轮匠的锯坑,以及堆放在场地上 的木料、板材底下,又把锯屑吹得到处飞扬。它还钻到下面搜索落叶,果真找到几片时,就把它们往前赶,在后面紧追不!

The scattered leaves only flew the faster for all this, and a giddy chase it was; for they got into unfrequented places, where there was no outlet, and where their pursuer kept them eddying round and round at his pleasure; and they crept under the eaves of houses, and clung tightly to the sides of hayricks, like bats; and tore in at open chamber windows, and cowered close to hedges, and in short went anywhere for safety. But the oddest feat they achieved was to take advantage of the sudden opening of Mr. Pecksniff’s front door to dash wildly into his passage; whither the wind following close upon them, and finding the back door open, incontinently blew out the lighted candle held by Miss Pecksniff, and slammed the front door against Mr. Pecksniff, who was at that moment entering, with such violence, that in the twinkling of an eye he lay on his back at the bottom of the steps. By this time weary of such trifling performances, the boisterous rover hurried away rejoicing, roaring over moor and meadow, hill and flat, until it got out to sea, where it met other winds similarly disposed, and made a night of it.