dull : 指缺乏鲜明、吸引力或情趣而显得乏味、沉闷。
- He's pleasant enough, but deadly dull.
他很和善,但太乏味。 - She wrote dull, respectable articles for the local newspaper.
tedious : 侧重指文章、演讲、演出等冗长乏味或环境等单调、沉闷,缺乏活力,使感到不舒服。
- a tedious job
单调乏味的工作 - The problem is I find most forms of exercise so tedious.
问题是我觉得大多数形式的锻炼都很乏味。 - 我们不得不听他唠叨他那次抢救行动的繁琐细节。
We had to listen to the tedious details of his salvage operation.
(拓展学习:小词详解 | tedious)
monotonous : 指没有变化、重复单调的。
- a monotonous job
单调的工作 - a monotonous voice
单调的声音 - The music became monotonous after a while.
dreary : 侧重无趣味的,不活泼的事或思想状态。
- a dreary little town
沉闷的小城 - She had spent another dreary day in the office.