drag : 指沿斜坡而上或水平方向缓慢地拖或拉十分沉重的人或物。作借喻时可指把人硬拉扯过来。
- She dragged the canoe down to the water.
她把独木舟拉到水边。 - She had to drag her kids away from the toys.
她不得不把孩子从玩具店硬拉出来。 - I really had to drag myself out of bed this morning.
draw : 指将人或物朝出力者的方向拖,不涉及力的大小,含平稳意味,常作借喻用。
- She drew her coat tightly around her shoulders.
她在肩膀处把外衣拉紧。 - The crowd watched as the referee drew the player aside/to one side and spoke to him.
pull : 最普通用词,包含本组其它各词的一些意思,可指朝各个方向拉,侧重一时或突然拉动的动作。
- He pulled the chair away from the desk.
他把椅子从书桌旁拉开。 - He pulled the heavy box across the floor to the door.
haul : 指用力拖或拉,不涉及方向,多作航海用词。
- They hauled the boat out of the water.
他们把船拉上了岸。 - The police hauled him off to jail in front of his whole family.
tug : 多指一阵阵地用力拖或拉,但不一定使被拉的人或物移动。
- Tom tugged at his mother's arm.
汤姆拽着妈妈的胳膊。 - She tugged at his sleeve to get his attention.
tow : 特指用绳子或链条等拖或拉本身无动力或无法使用自身动力的东西。
- The damaged boat was towed to safety.
受损船只被拖至安全区。 - You shouldn't drive fast when your car is towing a caravan.
jerk : 指快而突然地拉。
- The car made a strange noise and then jerked to a halt.
汽车发出一声怪响,接着猛然停住了。 - "What's wrong?" she asked, jerking her head up.