consequence : 多指随某一事件引起的,必然或自然的不良结果,不强调直接的因果关系,而侧重事件发展的逻辑关系。
- Not making a will can have serious consequences for your children and other family members.
不立遗嘱可能会给你的子女或者家庭其他成员带来严重后果。 - Scientists think it is unlikely that any species will actually become extinct as a consequence of the oil spill.
result : 普通用词,含义广泛,侧重因某种原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果。
- The road has been widened, but the result is just more traffic.
道路被拓宽,但结果车流量却更大了。 - His broken leg is the direct result of his own carelessness.
effect : 指因某种原因直接产生的结果,着重持续稳定与其影响。
- The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment.
核辐射泄漏给环境带来了灾难性的影响。 - I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn't have any effect.
outcome : 普通用词,多指事物经过一系列发展变化所导致的最终结局,而不是某种原因的直接结果。常可与result通用。
- It's too early to predict the outcome of the meeting.
现在预言会议的结果还为时过早。 - We are waiting to hear the final outcome of the negotiations.